Music Theory Books – Three Popular Textbooks For Introductory Music Theory Classes


Music is probably one of the most ancient activities among us, music was music before it was even music. Michael D. Lemonick says, “From an evolutionary point of view, however, music doesn’t seem to make sense. Unlike sex, say, or food, it did nothing to help our distant ancestors survive and reproduce. Yet music and its effects are in powerful evidence across virtually all cultures, so it must satisfy some sort of universal need – often in ways we can’t begin to fathom.” Those words really speak to me because if you go back and look at all of my posts majority of them are talking about and addressing the crazy amazing things that music does and can do to humans. Music is very powerful, and it can do a lot of things for human and it is known for releasing dopamine into our brains; the stuff that makes us feel good and happy. In the article I’m reading it says music is a trigger and it releases dopamine the pleasure chemical the same way it would release it while eating or other things that make you happy.

Some would even say music can be linked to addictive behavior because of the “feel good” dopamine that can be released just by listening to it. I might say I am addicted to music because I listen to it every single day for hours; while I am getting ready in the morning, my 40 minute drive to work, while I am at work and I am full time so that’s 5 days a week for 8 hours, on my 40 minute drive home from work, and right now while I do homework and that’s pretty much every night for 4 hours so there is only a small window of me not listening to music. Sounds like about 12-10 hours of not listening to music a day. That is a lot of music! I switch up the genres a lot also, so I don’t get tired of my music because I want to have that “feel good” feeling while I am listening to music it helps me be more into what I am doing. It helps my drive from work and back go by so much faster, and for work I sit at a desk looking at a computer for hours so that really helps me get through my days and while I am doing homework it helps me stay focused and get in what I like to call a “zone” and I just take off and start going at it. Especially when it comes to writing because that is very time consuming and can be very tedious and I easily lose my focus while writing papers and stuff. So, music is something that really helps.

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